Terms of Service

camelAI Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)


Welcome to camelAI! Our services facilitate the testing of iOS and Android applications by executing natural language test cases on real devices. This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) governs your use of our services and is incorporated by reference into our Terms of Service. By accessing or using camelAI's services, you agree to comply with this AUP.

Acceptable Use

The services provided by camelAI are designed for legitimate software testing and development purposes. Users are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Legal Compliance: You must use the services in compliance with all applicable laws, including but not limited to privacy laws, intellectual property laws, export control laws, and regulatory requirements.
  • Responsible Testing: Only perform tests on applications for which you have the legal right or explicit consent to test. Do not use camelAI services to test applications without proper authorization.
  • Data Protection: Ensure that any personal or sensitive data used in testing complies with data protection laws. Do not use real personal data unless it is necessary and you have obtained proper consent.
  • No Malicious Use: Do not use the services to develop or test malware, spyware, or other malicious software. The service should not be used for any purpose that could be considered malicious or harmful to others.
  • Resource Usage: Use the services responsibly. Do not engage in activities that unnecessarily consume excessive resources or interfere with other users' access to and use of the services.

Prohibited Activities

The following activities are strictly prohibited when using camelAI's services:

  • Unauthorized Access: Attempting to gain unauthorized access to any part of the services, other accounts, computer systems, or networks connected to the services.
  • Distribution of Harmful Software: Distributing viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, corrupted files, hoaxes, or any other items of a destructive or deceptive nature.
  • Infringement of Intellectual Property: Infringing upon the intellectual property rights of others, including patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or copyrights.
  • Exploitation of Minors: Publishing or distributing content that exploits minors in any way.
  • Privacy Breaches: Collecting or attempting to collect personal data about third parties without their knowledge or consent.

Enforcement and Reporting

camelAI reserves the right to investigate and prosecute violations of this AUP to the fullest extent of the law. We may involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who violate the AUP.

If you become aware of any violation of this AUP, please contact our support team at [email protected]. Your identity will remain confidential.

Changes to the AUP

We may update this AUP from time to time to reflect changes in our practices, technology, legal requirements, and other factors. We encourage you to review this AUP periodically.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Acceptable Use Policy, please contact us at [email protected].

Date Last Updated

07 July 2024

Also, you agree to be nice to us.